- the Institute conducts the procedure for the acquisition, maintenance, transfer and cessation of industrial property rights (patent, utility model, trademark/service mark, industrial design, geographical indication) in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- the Institute conducts the procedure for the registration of integrated circuit layouts in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- the Institute conducts the procedure for the international registration of industrial property rights under the international conventions to which Bosnia and Herzegovina acceded
- the Institute carries out the tasks in the domain of copyright and related rights, relating to the rights of authors on their works in the domain of literature, science and art, the rights of performers, broadcasting organizations and phonogram and database producers in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- the Institute issues licenses to the associations of authors and other copyright holders for the collective management of such rights and it supervises their work
- the Institute carries out information and documentation tasks in accordance with the standards set out by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO/OMPI), laws and implementing regulations governing intellectual property
- the Institute prepares the ground for the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to bilateral and multilateral agreements, conventions and treaties in the domain of intellectual property
- the Institute drafts laws and implementing regulations in the domain of intellectual property
- the Institute fosters international cooperation with the institutions in other countries, as well as with the international intellectual property organizations operating at world, regional or other levels
- the Institute promotes the protection of intellectual property rights
- the Institute organizes seminars and other meetings in the domain of intellectual property
- the Institute maintains registers of industrial property rights applied for and granted
- the Institute publishes data on industrial property rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Institute Gazette
- the Institute provides information on the manner of the exercise of rights before other institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- the Institute maintains registers of attorneys for industrial property rights protection