International Industrial Design Protection
How to protect your design abroad/International industrial design protection
An industrial design granted under the provisions of the BIH Law is a territorially limited right which is only effective in the territory of BIH. The same design may be simultaneously protected in several countries, provided that it is internationally registered in each of those countries.
The industrial design holder from BIH may file an international industrial design application, as well as a request for the entry of changes in the International Register in accordance with the Hague Agreement and international regulations for the implementation of the Hague Agreement.
The Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs provides a centralized registration system where you can e-file up to 100 designs and target over 90 territories in one single application that you could use to claim priority in further filings.
The applicant may opt to file an international application directly with the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization, or indirectly through the Institute in accordance with the stipulated procedure. Since Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Member of the 1999 (Geneva) Act of the Hague Agreement, in accordance with that any individual or business in Bosnia and Herzegovina can file an international application under this Agreement. For more information on filing an international application, geographical coverage and fees, and to get started, please go to:
The fees and costs are paid in accordance with the preferred filing option.