Decisions on the selection of winning bidders - 2016
◊ Decision on the selection of winning bidder for Internet connection – Telemach (20.12.2016.)
◊ Decision on the selection of winning bidder for the procurement of toner cartridges (26.9.2016.)
◊ Termination of contract for the procurement of toner cartridges (22.06.2016.)
◊ Decision on granting the contract for antivirus software (27.5.2016.)
◊ Decision on the selection of winning bidder for the procurement of office supplies (6.5.2016.)
◊ Decision on granting the contract for the vehicle registration and all-risk insurance (5.5.2016.)
◊ Decision on the selection of winning bidder for the procurement of toner cartridges (5.4.2016.)
◊ Decision on the selection of winning bidder for the procurement of airplane tickets (25.3.2016.)
◊ Decision on the annulment of the Decision on cancellation of the procurement of toner cartridges (26.2.2016.)
◊ Decision on granting the contract for the printing of official gazette (25.2.2016.)
◊ Decision on the selection of winning bidder for Internet connection in the branch office of the Institute in Sarajevo (8.2.2016.)
◊ Decision on granting the contract for the supply of motor fuel (29.1.2016.)
◊ Decision on cancellation of the procurement of toner cartridges (13.1.2016.)
◊ Decision on the selection of winning bidder for Internet connection (21.12.2015.)
◊ Decision on cancellation of the procurement of computer equipment (14.12.2015.)