Development Strategy


This document, titled the Development Strategy of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Strategy), is the basis for the systematic establishment, development and functioning of the complete and effective intellectual property system of Bosnia and Herzegovina in harmony, in the first place, with the demands of the current and future processes related to the integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European Union, fulfillment of obligations under the SAA and accession to WTO and the creation of prerequisites for the use of intellectual property in the achievement of economic development founded on the competitiveness of goods and services, which is closely connected with the incentive for the development of innovative activities, technology transfer, the establishment of trade relations and free flow of goods and services.

Chapter 4 of the Strategy describes the intellectual property as a new contemporary resource necessary for the achievement of economic development and its essential features, which places the focus of our attention on the fact that the use of intellectual property is an unquestionable interest of economic entities and individuals creating new values and as such, it deserves the support of the broader social community.

The intellectual property system includes a number of elements which may be classified, for the purpose of clearer depiction and more transparent processing, into three components, whose establishment and harmonious functioning enable the functioning of the entire system, which is illustrated in Chapter 5.

As the current condition of the intellectual property system of Bosnia and Herzegovina is outlined in Chapter 6, Chapter 7 of the Strategy focuses on the building of an efficient institutional framework, primarily the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a focal point for the initiation, moderation and coordination of activities, necessary for the establishment, development, functioning and application of new intellectual property system of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In this manner, in addition to its original and principal competence pertaining to the grant of industrial property rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Institute assumes a leading role in the accomplishment of the mission on the establishment, development, functioniong and application of new intellectual property system of Bosnia and Herzegovina and thus it contributes in the best manner to the development and application of the entire intellectual property system in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the basis of its legitimate powers, institutional ties to the European and international intellectual property systems, professional knowledge and experience.

With the improvement and further development of the Institute's resources, aimed at capacitating the Institute for assuming new competences in accordance with this Strategy, the Institute should definitely be profiled by 2015, at the latest, as a leading force and focal point in the activities of the initiation, moderation and coordination of the development and application of a new intellectual property system of BiH, in accordance with the demands of WTO and EU and the needs of achieving the economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The entire Strategy is available here.