European Commission: BiH best prepared in the areas of intellectual property and free movement of capital


Mostar, June 4, 2019 - European Commission has published Opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for membership of the European Union in which, among other, evaluates country's preparedness in the field of intellectual property.

"Bosnia and Herzegovina should continue efforts in the areas where the country is moderately prepared, namely free movement of capital and intellectual property law. Bosnia and Herzegovina does not have any policy areas where the country has a good level of preparation or is well advanced regarding its capacity to undertake the obligations stemming from EU membership", says the European Commission's Opinion on the state of BiH in relation to all applicable standards to member countries. Although the term 'moderate preparedness' in the document is used, it is evident that there is no other area that is better prepared than these two.

Institute for Intellectual Property of BiH has prepared amendments to the Law on Patents that are currently in the parliamentary procedure and, when adopted, will bring BiH closer to full membership in the European Patent Organization (EPO), which is one of the conditions for EU accession. Also, a comprehensive BiH Intellectual Property Development Strategy 2020-2025 is being prepared, and other activities are also under way to further strengthen the preparation and fulfilment of the conditions for a full EU membership of BiH.

Bosnia and Herzegovina presented its application for membership of the European Union on 15 February 2016. After sending answers to questions from the European Commission Questionnaire, as well as answers to additional questions and clarifications, Bosnia and Herzegovina now expects candidate status to be granted.

Full text of the European Commission’s Opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for membership of the European Union, sent to the European Parliament and the Council, is available here.