World Intellectual Property Day - Innovate for a Green Future


Mostar, April 22, 2020 - World Intellectual Property Day, April 26, is celebrated this year under the slogan "Innovate for a Green Future".

The 2020 World Intellectual Property Campaign puts innovation - and the intellectual property rights that support such innovation - at the heart of efforts to create a 'green future'.

“The choices we make today will shape our tomorrow. Earth is our home. We need to care for it”, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) said.

Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina is also joining the campaign promoting numerous inventors and creatives around the world who are choosing a 'green future' - women, men and young people working on cleaner alternatives to existing fossil fuel based technologies and better and more sustainable food and natural resources management systems, using intellectual property system.

This year's World Intellectual Property Day looks at ways in which the patent system fosters innovation, that is, the development and diffusion of eco-friendly technologies, how design thinking and design rights together support optimal use of resources and enable designers to invest their time and talent in creating useful, attractive and eco-friendly products for consumers, how trademarks and other identifiers support the emergence and growth of businesses built on principles of environmental sustainability, enabling them to offer a broader range of eco-friendly products and services, how rights such as indications of geographical origin encourage more sustainable use of natural resources and how protecting new plant varieties promotes the development of more resilient crops in support of global food security, and how creators - who through copyright can make a living from their work - can play a key role in creating a vision for a 'green future' and its untold benefits.

“Our commitment, the choices we make every day, the products we buy, the research we fund, the companies we support, and the policies and laws we develop, will determine how green our future is. But with innovative thinking and strategic use of IP rights, sustainability is within reach. Join us in exploring the role that innovation and IP rights play in opening a pathway to a green future. Share your favourite green innovations and tell us how you are going to boost your green credentials”, WIPO said on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day 2020.