Fifteenth General Intellectual Property Course


Zagreb, February 22, 2021 - The 15th General Course on Intellectual Property in the Croatian Language (DL101HR), through distance learning, will be held from March 8 to April 18, 2021, the State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia announced.

The World Intellectual Property Organization's online intellectual property course (course code: DL-101) is one of the most popular forms of general education in the field, completed by more than 350,000 participants so far. The course covers all important areas of intellectual property, as well as the necessary knowledge on the prevention of infringements of intellectual property rights.

In cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization, the State Intellectual Property Office enables attending this course in Croatian (course code: DL-101HR), so that it is available to the general public in Croatia and neighboring countries, according to the SIPO notice.

Registration for the course is done online and lasts until the available places are filled.

The final exam will be held (also online) from 19 to 21 April 2021.

The course is free, and given the fact that the number of participants is limited, it is in your interest to register as soon as possible, as this is the only condition for priority access to the course, according to the SIPO notice.

To register and apply for the course, follow the instructions on the page

For all questions related to the DL101HR course, you can contact the administrator at the e-mail address: