Regular EUIPO liaison meetings held
Alicante, 23 and 24 October 2023 - Regular liaison meetings of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO Liaison Meetings) are the official forum where the EUIPO, the national and regional intellectual property offices of the Member States of the European Union, candidate countries for membership in the European Union, member countries of the European Free Trade Association, as well as representatives of user associations and other international organizations, through their representatives, participate in discussions and exchanges of opinions regarding the latest achievements and practices in the field of intellectual property.
At last week's 21st liaison meeting dedicated to the development of cooperation, participants were informed about measures taken in response to the situation in Ukraine with special reference to the implementation of the 11th package of European Union sanctions. A joint overview of existing projects implemented within the European Union Intellectual Property Network (EUIPN) was given and the experiences of individual national and regional offices for intellectual property in their implementation were presented. During the meeting, framework plans were also presented in connection with future international cooperation that EUIPO plans to achieve with the countries of the Eastern Partnership, which include Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
At the 30th liaison meeting dedicated to trademark, participants were presented with a proposal for joint practices in connection with CP13 and CP14, the goals of which are to establish a common understanding of the general concept of bad faith and other related concepts, and to establish a common understanding of the concepts of public order. The meeting participants were presented with the project definition of CP16 characters that describe the subject of goods or services.
At the meeting, opinions and experiences were exchanged about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the field of intellectual property law, with special emphasis on the topic of regulation of the metaverse (Metaverse) and non-fungible tokens (NFT), as well as the impact of digitization and new technologies on the examination of goods and services.