Branch office of the Institute on the 18th floor of the Energoinvest building


Mostar, October 27, 2017 – Branch office of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo moved to the premises on the 18th floor of the Energoinvest building.

New address of the Institute is 71000 Sarajevo, Hamdije Ćemerlića 2/XVIII and other contact information is as follows:

Tel: + 387 33 65 27 65 (Protocol)

Fax: + 387 33 65 27 57

Tel: + 387 33 65 27 98 (Distinctive Signs Department)

Tel: + 387 33 61 80 95 (Patent Department)

Tel: + 387 33 52 18 48 (Office of the Assistant Director)


Due to relocation, there may be problems in phone and Internet communication over the next few days.